‘Mash Up’ to strengthen the National Food Agenda
During a ‘Mash Up’ Meeting on Thursday April 20th representatives of local, regional and national governments joined up with Food Valley NL and various agrifood companies to strengthen the National Food Agenda. FreeUp helped to develop and execute the process for this Mash Up, in such a way that the participants, coming from different backgrounds, could share, explore and develop insights effectively in quite a short time. The use of creative tools, designed for the event, helped to bring thoughts and ideas together. Sacha Kramer was the process lead and she also did the overall facilitation of the event.
The purpose of the Mash Up was to look for synergies between the National Food Agenda (Voedselagenda) and the future programs for the World Food Center (under development). The day was structured around three themes: ‘The Agro & Food sector in the international spotlight’, ‘Food and behaviour’ and ‘Food education‘. Check out this video for a good impression of the day and some more information (in Dutch) about each of these topics.