Published: Smarter procurement in co-creation with market and experts
Last week we published the booklet with lessons learned from the project “The smart way towards sustainable municipal buildings” with the city of Eindhoven. Here, Marlies, Rikjan and Liesbeth celebrate in Rotterdam the first copy coming from the printer.
Are you working in or for city government and facing a complex transition challenge? Do you need the knowledge and experience in the market, and other experts, to realize your ambitions? Then this booklet is for you. It shows ways in which you can shape cooperation with companies and innovators to co-create future proof and flexible system solutions, solutions which are hard to achieve with the usual procurement processes and business models.
The booklet was presented on 23rd of November in Rotterdam, during a ‘Kantoor vol Energie’ EET-café (“Office full of energy Excellent Expert Team (EET)” an innovation initiative to stimulate energy neutral buildings, in this case, offices.
You can download the booklet here: slimmer-aanbesteden-in-cocreatie-met-markt_dig.